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Image by Julian Hochgesang

Prenatal  Support

Education, Coaching, Classes, and More

Informed Birth Series
Classes to educate, empower, and encourage

Welcome to our comprehensive birth class series! This 5 week series is ideal for those who are looking for real life education, taught in an up to date and enjoyable format. Want to become knowledgeable on all of your options, gain the skills to make informed decisions for yourself, and build a community of other parents? This is the class for you!

You will receive unbiased and evidence based information, taught by an experienced educator and doula. No matter the type of birth you envision, you'll leave class feeling informed, empowered, and well supported.

Topics covered will include:
• Exercise and Movement During Pregnancy
• Anatomy & Gestation
• The Role of Hormones During Pregnancy and Birth
• The Role of the Partner in Birth
• Your Support Team
• How Your Body Works in Labor
• How to Work with Your Body To Remove Unnecessary Pain
• Relaxation Techniques & Affirmations
• Birth Variations, Cesarean Birth, & VBAC
• Newborn Care
• Breastfeeding/Infant Feeding
• Postpartum Recovery
• Even More!

Details: $200 Per Series for Two People
Includes Workbook and Handouts
Weekly Emails with Additional Information and Videos
Bonus Comfort Measures Video! **
Unlimited Email Support

Breastfeeding 101
Lets talk about the real meaning of "boob job!"

Expecting a new baby and plan to breastfeed? Not sure if breastfeeding is right for you? Already nursing and need hands on help and reassurance?

This class is designed to answer all of your questions, and offer you the support you need to begin your nursing journey. In this 2 hour class we will cover breastfeeding expectations, strategies for success, and how to avoid common pitfalls and complications.

Topics include:
Getting Started
Latching On
Breastfeeding Techniques
Nursing Positions and Comfort Holds
Nipple and Body Care
Tips for Partner Feedings
Going Back to Work and Pumping
And More

You'll find the answer all your questions, including the frequently asked: "How do I know my baby is getting enough?"

Class investment is $40, and includes a copy of "Breastfeeding: Your Essential Guide". Fathers/Support persons are encouraged to join.

Prenatal Coaching
Because Google doesn't make a good life coach

Pregnancy is big! Not just your growing belly, but all of it. The emotions. The excitement. The fears. The changes.

The goal of pregnancy coaching is to simplify the overwhelming amount of information, emotions, and life changes being thrown at you in such a short amount of time. Let us help you navigate the conflicts, the fears and the unknown, so that you can look ahead with a sense of calm and empowerment.

Our coaching is as unique as you are - what we cover will be fully personalized to meet your goals and needs. During our time together we will assist you in identifying your goals and we will provide you the skills to take an active role in the decision making process. We work together to explore any fears or anxieties about the childbirth experience and then find realistic ways to feel more in-control and safe during childbirth.

Coaching also offers access to our exclusive “doula hotline” during your pregnancy. On the other end of the line, an experienced doula will provide you with support and information via email, provide referrals to community resources, and help you craft your birth plan.


2 In-home Coaching Sessions with our team (4 hours total)
Follow-Up Phone Support after Sessions
Birth Plan Review
Unlimited Email Support through 6 weeks Postpartum
Postpartum Closure Phone Session


*Additional coaching sessions may be added as desired.

Comfort in Pregnancy
Uncomfortable? We've got your back(side)

This is the class that we would've wanted during pregnancy; designed just for you! We want to take time to pamper you, and to show you how to alleviate some common discomforts through movement and focused relaxation.

Pregnancy may bring with it daily aches and pains, but that doesn't need to be your new normal! You'll receive tools to address these issues and bring your body back towards a state of balance and contentment.

This class can be taken alone as a relaxing gift to yourself (treat yo' self!), or you can grab a support person so that they can learn valuable skills to promote relief from common discomforts.

Topics include:
* Best positions for sitting and sleeping
* Daily movements for comfort
* Therapeutic touch
* Relaxation and breath control
* Aromatherapy options
* Stretches for pregnancy

$35 per comfort session
Prenatal comfort packages available


"Abigail’s class series is amazing. Upon completion I felt like I had all the tools and information necessary to make informed decisions during my son’s birth. I had a lot of anxiety surrounding this birth because I was planning to VBAC- basically I was terrified. As they say, knowledge is power! She definitely helped calm my fears. Also, her support didn’t end with the last class session. When my due date came and passed (WAY passed) Abigail took time out of her own busy schedule to help me. She used her knowledge from Spinning Babies to help me position baby in the best way for labor. She also provided many resources and ideas for things I could do at home to help get baby and myself ready for labor. I highly recommend Natural State Doulas." 
- Elizabeth H.


Every procreating human needs to take this class! No matter what type of birth you're planning to have (hospital/birth center/home), Abigail's series will fill you with knowledge and confidence. Mamas will learn what her body is doing along every stage as well as postpartum expectations. Partners will learn how to be an active birth coach, how to help mama in a variety of ways before, during, and after birth. Everyone thinks I'm "brave" for having a non-med homebirth. No way! I could not have done it without Abigail's class. Learning how to make informed decisions, what a supportive birth team looks like, and what my body was doing were the reasons I (and anyone) could have a confident birth!

- Carol C.

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